Indica is a subspecies of Cannabis that typically comprises plants with short structures and swift flowering times. It originated in two specific climatic regions – sub-tropical regions and mountainous regions. These regions are characterized by moderate temperatures and harsh weather.
As a result, these trees are extremely sturdy and resilient making them suitable to grow under any climatic condition. There are multiple types of Indica-dominant strains that have varying effects on consumers. Broadly, it has an intense stoning or couch-high effect on consumers.
Moreover, it is also popular for its therapeutic effects on consumers. However, apart from the cannabis consumers, many people do not have any idea of its types and their characteristics. If you want to try Indica-dominant strains, here is a list of its five most popular types.
Types of Indica-Dominant Strains
The Indica-Dominant strains have many categories under them and to appreciate their benefits it is important to understand the types and their effects. Find a comprehensive list of Indica-dominant strains in the following section. If you are an Indica-dominant enthusiast, you can visit Spark Dispensary, a reliable store for top strains.
1. Blue Cheese
Blue Cheese strain is an indica-hybrid strain that has originated from Cheese and Blueberry. The combination of Cheese and Blueberry creates a pungent mix of berry, cheese and Skunk flavor. Due to this strong aroma and flavor, it has THC levels of 19-20%. It is the best option for you if you want to experience the couch-lock sensation. Moreover, its blueberry cheesecake flavor makes it a perfect strain for food items like cookies, cakes and brownies. It is also popular amongst smokers and has been recognized several times in the CannaConnection Hall of Fame.
2. Girl Scout Cookies GCS
This is also a CannaConnection Hall of Fame resident and has been consistently ranked among the top ten Indica-dominant strains. It originated from the West Coast of the US and was extremely popular there and across France, Spain and Italy. It offers a feeling of euphoria, happiness and deep relaxation when inhaled. It has a THC level of up to 28% when consumed with edibles with a balanced combination of sativa/indica mix.
3. Kosher Kush
It is one of the most famous indica-dominant strains with many Cannabis Cups under its belt. It is considered the dankest of the dank due to its 29% THC levels. It features a pungent earthy aroma mixed with a spicy, fruity mix. If you are looking for a strong, relaxed, sleepy and happy high experience it is the best option for you. However, overindulgence would lead to an extended period of couch-lock state.
4. God’s Gift
God’s Gift is a popular strain in California due to its exceptional taste, aroma and potency. It has a sweet and fruity taste resembling that of oranges and lemons. It has a strong and relaxing body stone like other indicia-dominant types. It has a THC level of 18-22% providing prolonged periods of relaxation. However, if you are a first-time cannabis consumer, it is better to skip this initially.
5. LSD
It is considered to be the best option for first-timers. It originated in Afghanistan and is an award-winning classic strain. It provides a strong and transcendental high experience. You can expect to feel euphoric, trippy and psychedelic. However, it won’t take you to a state where you will lose all your consciousness and get completely detached from reality.
The blog has discussed the five top Indica-dominant strains. Hope this proves useful for you. It is recommended that you purchase these stains from a reputable dispensary in Lawton, Oklahoma to obtain authentic strains. Additionally, it is also important to follow all the precautionary measures to avoid severe side effects.